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Singapore Jord

My Singapore Summer 2018

Follow along my summer adventure where I will be living and working in the city of Singapore. With my mediocre writing and amateur iPhone photography skills, I plan to capture my experience over the next few months. I promise to be as raw and honest as possible but the only thing I guarantee is that I will enjoy plenty of good food and drink in the process, so stay tuned! 

Fair warning...

By no means am I, nor do I have a desire to be any kind of travel blogger. In fact, there is a good chance that the only person who will read this is my mom. I actually prefer to keep a hand written journal and probably would not have put all of this out on the internet if it wasn't required for my university credit.


BUT if you happen to have scrolled down this far, check out some of my travels and let me know what ya think. Or even better, send me a list of the best places you have been and how you spent your time there!


A little more about me


Travel Recs...
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